Pat Robertson: Haiti and New Orleans Punished by God, but God Didn’t Send Tornados

Pat Robertson gave a futile attempt on his TV show to answer a question from a viewer asking “Why did God send the tornados?” to the mid-west and Illinois. From what I’ve read he makes it seem that nature had its way based on nature’s physical laws and God, who created these laws, simply chose not to intervene. Then he blames people for building homes in tornado prone areas and on the seacoast.

Here’s a clip from The Christian Post, U.S. website: One follower, Donovan White, responded to the Operation Blessing post on Monday, well after the “Bring It On” segment had aired, writing:

“Which is it Pat? This time around you said [G]od doesn’t cause tornadoes (sic) ‘it’s just nature’ but during Katrina and the Haiti earthquake you said they were being punished for being evil…you make it up as you go and no one seems to notice!” Poor Mr. Robertson couldn’t answer that one. More on this here.