Pro-Life Billboards Having Good Effects

Billboards are a very expensive way to get a message across, but they appear to be quite effective. A pro-life billboard in Kansas has brought many women in to an anti-abortion pregnancy counseling center, some of whom were already scheduled to have their baby killed. I saw a couple of other billboards last weekend in Connecticut advertising getting to confession during Lent. Some parishes in New York are rotating a the time so that there are confessions 24/7  in the dioceses.

LifeNews reports: When billboards went up last November in Johnson County, Barb Gosa hoped they’d see an increase in clients at her Advice and Aid Pregnancy Centers in Shawnee and Overland Park. Not only did they get an increase in clients, but the type of clients surprised her.
“It’s really exciting that God has been bringing us clients at risk for abortion,” Gosa stated. “But, we’ve had more women come to us with abortions already scheduled than we’ve ever seen!” Read more here.