Research Establishes Strong Link Between Contraceptive Use and AIDS/HIV in Women

CNA reports:  A researcher reported earlier this week that there is a strong scientific link between hormonal contraceptives and a woman’s risk of contracting AIDS/HIV.

Joan Robinson, a researcher at the Population Research Institution, said that although over 50 medical studies to date show the link between the two, the scientific consensus has received little to no media coverage due to the economic and ideological force behind contraception.

“The science is settled,” Robinson says. “Hormonal contraceptives – the oral pill and Depo-Provera – increase almost all known risk factors for HIV, from upping a woman’s risk of infection, to increasing the replication of the HIV virus, to speeding the debilitating and deadly progression of the disease,” reports Robinson in her article, titled “The Pill’s Deadly affair with HIV/AIDS.” Full report is here.