Thank You, Pope Francis

Traditionalists are often criticized for being insufficiently respectful of the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Be it noted that we here at Saint Benedict Center not only respect the office and the man who occupies it (and pray for him), but we are particularly grateful for three recent moves, which have, in varying degrees, political as well as religious significance.

In stating our gratitude, I risk offending a few categories of people, but I will get to that later. For now, let me list the objects of our gratitude:

  1. The Holy Father’s statement on the Armenian Genocide, which was, to use an expression of my own devising, “spiritually prepared for” by his naming of the Armenian, Saint Gregory of Narek, as a Doctor of the Church — concerning whose Catholicity we posted this. This move angered the Turkish government, which still officially denies their historical crime.
  2. The recognition of the State of Palestine by the Holy See, which itself was not spritually prepared for, but “spiritually followed up by” the third thing for which we are grateful…
  3. On Sunday, May 17, the Holy Father canonized four female religious, including two Palestinians, Saints Mariam Baouardy and Marie Alphonsine Danil Ghattas.

We expect that we do not have a significant Turkish Muslim readership who would be offended by our gratitude for number one. On the other hand, Neo-Conservatives who demonize all Arabs and especially Palestinians as a thuggish, terrorist people will not like number two. Catholics who have been taken in by Zionist propaganda will also object. But then these Catholics will experience a brief moment of internal conflict when they see number three. (I don’t know how they will get over the conflict, but I hope they come to see the sense of number two.)

Recognition of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people is a simple matter of justice. Over and above that, by canonizing two Palestinian saints, the Holy Father has shown us, at the same time, that these “thugs” and “terrorists” are capable of great sanctity.

Thank you, Holy Father.

St_Marie-Alphonsine_Ghattas_of_Palestine_AND_St_Mariam_of_Jesus_Crucified_Baouardy(Image courtesy of the Saint Marie-Alphonsine Ghattas of Palestine group on Facebook.)