Those Papistical Anglicans!

Life is good, and weird. An Anglican group in Maryland is joining the Catholic Church under the terms of Anglicanorum Coetibus. That’s the good part. The weird part is the news coverage:

In many ways, St. Luke’s won’t resemble the Catholic churches around it, said Philip Jenkins, an expert on global Christianity. Its congregants worship more like pre-Vatican II Council Catholics, with the priest facing the same direction as the congregation and the altar table flush against the wall and not in the middle.

“The church they’re seeking to join is one that ceased to exist 50 years ago,” Jenkins said. “They have this idealized view,” including the notion that the pope’s authority can’t be challenged.

These poor deluded Anglicans, with their “idealized view”! They actually assume the enduring worth of the Catholic tradition of ad orientem worship, and the Catholic dogma and discipline concerning the infallibility and universal jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff — all major sticking points in the Protestant Revolt (and the Anglican Schism). It takes “an expert on global Christianity” to set things straight.

Welcome aboard, St. Luke’s; we who ceased to exist 50 years ago salute you!

(I never did like experts on global Christianity.)

One thought on “Those Papistical Anglicans!

  1. Wel put, I didnt even know I ceased to exist until thanks be to this Post writer… if!!!

    I am your humble relic…..:)

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