Wyoming Catholic College: 3 Week Survival Trek in the Rockies Before Cracking a Book

If I had a son who insisted on going to college after high school, I think this institution of real education would be my first choice. Here’s a clip from George Weigel’s recent column in the Denver Archdiocesan weekly paper.

Wyoming Catholic is a by-product of the most striking exercise in unintended consequences in the history of federal higher education funding. In 1970, Washington’s largesse led the University of Kansas to create a pilot project in classic liberal arts education called the Pearson Integrated Humanities Program, or IHP.

The program was led by John Senior, Dennis Quinn and Frank Nelick, three brilliant teachers who believed passionately that higher education meant immersion in the classic texts of western civilization and civilized conversation about them. Many IHP students soon discovered that wrestling with the literary and philosophical classics of western civilization meant encountering, and thinking seriously about, the Catholic Church. Read the full column here.