You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

You get the leaders you choose deserve. It is a deplorable fact that, generally speaking, most “Catholics” who vote, base their ballot selections on the candidate that promises to keep their wallets and pocketbooks fat. In other words most Catholic voters are amoral, stupid, and selfish. How else do you explain how the worst liberals keep getting elected in the states and districts with the largest Catholic populations? Take Mrs. Clinton, for example.  What gave her the victory in the Texas primary last week? The Catholic vote, notably the Hispanic vote.  Of course, there are exceptions, but I am speaking in general terms.  There are exceptional Irish and Italians in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts (where I live) who do not vote for all the pro-abortion Irish and Italian politicians, but they are a minority.  Most Irish and Italians vote their pocketbook. Is it any different in Spain?  I was hoping that it would be so, especially after two million people marched in Madrid in support of family values back in December.  Sad to say, in that country’s parliamentary elections last Sunday the ruling Socialists, who push abortion, divorce, and same sex “marriage,” were reelected back into office.  I guess I’m venting to the choir here.  If you want to read the short piece in Catholic World news here it is, meantime I am looking for some inspiring news to share in my next post.