Allahu Akbar, ‘God is Greater’, Reads Mosque Script Across From Church of Nativity

Brother Francis told us that directly across from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is the mosque of Omar which posts a blasphemous challenge to the humility of God in the Incarnation. “God is Greater” the sign reads. Greater than what? Than who? Than to have a Son, they proclaim, either in eternity or in time. In 1972 there were five mosques in the majority Christian town of Bethlehem. Today there are 90 mosques there and Christians are only 16% of the population.

In 1683, the Turkish Moslems were defeated in the battle of Vienna by the Catholic imperial army and the Polish king, John Sobieski, who led it.   The Christians had 60,000 soldiers facing 300,000 Moslems. God is indeed greater.

The Remnant has a very good article today, a sermon Father Ladis Cizik delivered yesterday, Sunday, at the close of the Catholic Identity Conference in West Virginia. Here is the sermon, which dealt with the highjacking of our Holy Church. The theme of the conference was “Viva Cristo Rey! The Rise of the Catholic Counter Revolution.”

(This sermon was delivered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Sunday, September 11, 2016, the closing event of the 2016 Catholic Identity Conference, the theme of which was: “Viva Cristo Rey! The Rise of the Catholic Counter Revolution.”)

In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.  “We have been hijacked.”  Those were the words of passengers and crew calling from air-phones and mobile phones on the ill-fated Flight 93 on September 11, 2001.  The hijackers were Islamic terrorists. Read this inspiring sermon here.