An End to Communion in the Hand?

The Turin-based La Stampa reports that the Vatican is poised to introduce stricter norms on Roman Catholic Masses, including halting the abuse of Communion in the hand and setting a time limit for homilies. The February 25 La Stampa quoted Archbishop Albert Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary for the Congregation for Divine Worship, saying the move was necessary to eliminate “extravagancies” that have crept into Mass celebrations.

According to La Stampa, provisions include restricting to 10 minutes homilies and sermons and ensuring that they be exclusively based on the Gospel readings.

The practice of allowing the faithful to receive Communion in the hand would also be “urgently reviewed”, said Ranjith.

The Vatican wants the Host “placed directly into the mouths of the faithful so they don’t touch it (with their hands)… because many don’t even realize they are receiving Christ and do this with scant concentration and respect,” Ranjith said. [Full article at Catholic Family News]