Category: News

This is our portal for on-site and linked news pieces, including timely information about our apostolate. We take responsibility for the comments on our site only. Links from this news portal do not constitute endorsements of the editorial policies of the linked web sites. This includes, but is not limited to, RSS feeds from news and other informational sites, some of which a) advance ideas at variance with Catholic doctrine, or b) endorse political candidates, which is not something we do on this site.

Alternative news sources for secular news. Here is a list of online news sources that don’t reheat the standard New-York-Times-CNN-BostonGlobe-HuffPo-etc-etc-approved version of what goes on in the world. We in no way endorse the editorial policies of these organizations, but neither could we do the same for the common media outlets.

The Rescue in Copiapo

If there were many persons who didn’t watch on October 13 the television coverage from Chile of the rescue of the 33 miners who had been trapped below ground for more than two months, they missed some of the most … Continue reading

Institute Pushing Embryonic Stem Cell Research Apologizes for Posting Blasphemous Poem The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine has apologized for a publishing a poem celebrating embryonic stem cell research that a pro-life legal group said was blasphemous. The institute is the agency funded by $3 billion in taxpayer funds, most … Continue reading