Category: Politics and Society

Christendom no longer exists, but, nevertheless, Catholics must be active members of their respective societies and agents of justice in a world bereft of moral values. We must know history, not merely current events. European history, after the conversion of the nations, was the history of the Church. This history is certainly important to know. But, as Americans, we cannot afford to be ignorant of our own history. The virtue of patriotism, which is actually a natural manifestation of the supernatural gift of piety, demands that we have an appreciation for whatever is good in the history of this land of ours, not just after 1776, but since events were recorded here. The virtue of patriotism also obligates us to recognize the sins of our nation. “My country right or wrong,” is an evil axiom that changes patriotism into self-adulating nationalism.

As Catholics, we ought to be justly concerned about world events, especially about the persecution of the Church that is going on in other countries. Advantage ought to be taken of the many good Catholic outlets of information that are available today. Our website is a good source of the news that counts. From our religious perspective, we are able to bypass the useless information and disinformation that fills the major media, and provide the news that affects our lives as members of the Church militant. If it doesn’t help anyone sub specie aeternitatis (under the aspect of eternity) we don’t post it.

Forces of God and UnGod

We hear incessantly these days that the nation is divided, as indeed it is. However, we never hear about the division that matters most in the long run. It is not the division between conservatives and liberals (much less the … Continue reading

Deus Vult!

In 1095 Pope Urban II journeyed to his native France and to an assembly of Church dignitaries and Frankish knights gathered in a field outside the town of Clermont. There, he preached the First Crusade to liberate the Holy Land … Continue reading

Doing What Can and Must Be Done

Bro. Andre Marie, prior of Saint Benedict Center, recently made mention on this website of Pope Francis joining with a top Muslim cleric in signing a “Document on Human Fraternity” that declares a “diversity of religions” to be “willed by … Continue reading

Hail to the Chiefs?

February is certainly presidents’ month, given that Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan — arguably three of our most impressive — were all born at this time. Given the current and ongoing attacks against the current holder of the office — and … Continue reading

The Meteoric Rise of Vox

The rise of European right-wing movements branded as “extremist” by secular liberal globalists for their espousal of Christian-rooted history, customs and traditions has been marked at the other end of the political spectrum by a decline in voter support for … Continue reading