Sorry IHM Girls But Meghan Markle Is Already Married to Another Man. Corrected Today.

This article in the Catholic Herald by our friend Charles Coulombe corrects the post referred to below. There was a sacramental marriage after all, without the grace due to that sacrament, being that they both are heretics. In Markle’s recent baptism, she was baptized by an Anglican. Still the article cited below is informative, what with all the hype.

And what does this mean on your school’s Facebook page?

“Over 10,000 women of great heart and right conscience have graduated from Immaculate Heart, and we are proud to count actress and humanitarian” Markle among them.

It posted a similar message that day on its Facebook account but added that as a global ambassador for World Vision Canada, Markle campaigned for clean, safe drinking water. And as a U.N. Women’s Advocate, she has spoken up for women’s rights and gender equality.  ????

I am surprised The Catholic Herald posted this misinformation as news. See here.