What’s in That Prayer? The Collect for the Feast of Christ the King

Here is the oration that the Church prays in the Mass and Office for the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King:

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui in dilécto Fílio tuo, universórum Rege, ómnia instauráre voluísti: concéde propítius; ut cunctæ famíliæ géntium, peccáti vúlnere disgregátæ, eius suavissímo subdántur império.

Here is my translation:

Almighty and everlasting God, who in Thy beloved Son, the King of the Universe, hast willed to restore all things: mercifully grant that all the families of the nations, separated by the wound of sin, may be brought under His most sweet sovereignty.

Here is the translation from the Divinum Officium site:

Almighty and eternal God, Who willed to restore all things in Your beloved Son, the King of the Universe, graciously grant that the peoples of the earth torn asunder by the wound of sin, may submit to His most gentle rule.

I commented on this prayer in my latest Ad Rem, The ‘Lex Orandi’ of Christ the King, which was a kind of extended “What’s in That Prayer” feature.

But here is one more thought. The words of a great devotee of the Kingship of Christ came to my mind this morning. He would have loved this Feast, which was not yet instituted in his own day. His words speak of the love that we ought to have for our King. This great lover of Jesus Christ is featured in two pieces on our website: Thy Kingdom Come — Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon by Gary Potter, and Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon: ‘A Noble and Frank Intolerance’ by your insufficiently humble servant.

Given the perverse extremes to which His enemies in Church and State have have gone, let us strive to love Jesus Christ like this; it is only right and just:

We love Christ with the same kind of love as did the early Christians, because he still faces the same enemies he faced then. We love him with the love that made the Apostle say, ‘If anyone does not love Jesus Christ, let him be cursed’ (1 Cor. 16:22). This may not be very tolerant, but you know that those who love much tolerate little. Properly speaking, true love is revealed in the power of a noble and frank intolerance. In these days, with no energy left for either love or hate, men do not see that their tolerance is just another form of weakness. We are intolerant, because we draw our strength from our love of Jesus Christ.
