Category: Catholic Living

We are members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Therefore, we are not solitaries. We have a duty to help one another achieve our common salvation. We have a duty, first and foremost in our own homes, to work toward the restoration of the Catholic culture that our ancestors enjoyed. If we “cultivate” that culture ourselves, we can attract others. What we must realize is that we are not each our own species, like the angels (so taught St. Thomas), but we are members of one human race. God wills to restore and even more wonderfully recreate that original unity (disassociated after the dispersion at the Tower of Babel) in the one true Church. The articles found in this section emphasize the beauty of Catholic social and cultural life in its varied and sundry forms, as well as the harmony that flows from the incorporation of many into the one living Body of Christ. Viva Cattolicesimo!

What a Woman!

CNA: A surgeon, retired army officer, missionary, and Catholic religious sister is among the featured speakers at this week’s Republican National Convention. The convention, which takes place over four days this week, will officially nominate President Donald Trump for reelection. … Continue reading

Live According to Logos

Due to the coronavirus phenomenon, our graduation at IHM School did not happen as originally scheduled. Last month, we had a small ceremony with our graduates and their families. Of the speeches given that day, mine was the shortest. The … Continue reading