Category: News

This is our portal for on-site and linked news pieces, including timely information about our apostolate. We take responsibility for the comments on our site only. Links from this news portal do not constitute endorsements of the editorial policies of the linked web sites. This includes, but is not limited to, RSS feeds from news and other informational sites, some of which a) advance ideas at variance with Catholic doctrine, or b) endorse political candidates, which is not something we do on this site.

Alternative news sources for secular news. Here is a list of online news sources that don’t reheat the standard New-York-Times-CNN-BostonGlobe-HuffPo-etc-etc-approved version of what goes on in the world. We in no way endorse the editorial policies of these organizations, but neither could we do the same for the common media outlets.

The Even Darker World of Scientology

After losing a lawsuit in France filed by former members, and barely escaping being outlawed there for its extortionist tactics, the strange “religion” of L. Ron Hubbard is now being charged with pressuring inner circle members of its elite “order” … Continue reading

Two on the EU

The human rights disaster that is the European Union is coming into sharper focus now. More importantly, we hope the “divine rights” disaster it is will become apparent to the baptized Europeans who still think God has rights in society. … Continue reading